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File:NosferatuShadow.jpg | 1970gemini on Wikimedia

Sound Amplifies Suspense in Horror Films Without Altering Time Perception, Study Suggests

Mon Feb 05 2024

A groundbreaking study conducted by German researchers explores the effect of suspense on our perception of time in horror films, finding that while sound amplifies suspense, it does not alter time perception. The study sheds light on the role of sou...

Satellite Sees a Sharp Line in Weather Today | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on Flickr

Factors Influencing American Adoption of Climate-Friendly Behaviors

Tue Nov 28 2023

New research reveals factors shaping Americans' adoption of climate-friendly behaviors, aiding development of effective policies and interventions.

Skin and bones | on Flickr

Link Between Anxiety, Autism Traits, and Disordered Eating

Fri Nov 24 2023

Pioneering study links anxiety, autism traits, and adult eating habits, shedding light on under-researched area.

Bribe. Close-up of hands giving money over gray background | Marco Verch on Flickr

The Psychology Behind Rejected Monetary Handouts

Fri Nov 24 2023

Unraveling the Mystery: Regret & Rational Punishment in Rejected Money Offers. New study challenges traditional economic theory. #Psychology #Behavior

Happy campers | Oregon Department of Transportation on Flickr

Autistic People Both Express and Interpret Emotions Differently

Tue Nov 14 2023

Unmasking facial expression diversity: How autism challenges emotions & communication. Study reveals nuances in expression styles & their impact.

Blue Glass | Sergei F on Flickr

Some Addiction Psychologists Dislike "Preaddiction” Label

Wed Nov 01 2023

Examining the Pros and Cons of the Proposed 'Preaddiction' Label: What it could mean for Substance Use Disorder.

Overweight happy woman smiling | Emma London on Flickr

How to Reduce Pain From Weight-Based Rejection and Discrimination

Sat Oct 14 2023

New research reveals the causes of weight-based rejection and proposes strategies for positive social change. Find out more.

Cucumber in a condom | Marco Verch on Flickr

Extreme Misogyny in Incels Probably Not Caused by Sexual Frustration

Fri Sep 29 2023

New Study Challenges Link Between Sexual Frustration and Extreme Misogyny in Incels: Understanding the Psychology behind Misogynis

Nino! | Thomas Quine on Flickr

Study Challenges Prevailing Theory: Infants Grasp Language Through Overhearing Conversations

Mon Sep 11 2023

New research finds infants can understand words even without direct speech, suggesting they learn language by overhearing conversations.

Valentines Day Cookies Publix Bakery | Phillip Pessar on Flickr

How People Navigate Dating After Rejection

Mon Sep 11 2023

New research reveals how individuals navigate new romantic relationships after rejection, displaying prosocial behavior rather than aggression.

Psychadelic Zoom | Danielle Henry on Flickr

Simulating a Bad Trip With VR Used to Treat Anxiety

Mon Sep 04 2023

Researchers propose a new aesthetic, "numadelic," to create transformative VR experiences similar to near-death and psychedelic encounters.

Local empowerment for Albania's European integration | WeBalkans EU on Flickr

How Ambiguity and Noise Increase Pro-majority Sentiment

Sun Sep 03 2023

Discover how new research explains how noise and ambiguity can actually foster consensus and overcome confirmation bias in opinion formation. #research #consensusbias #opinions

CCT - Comissão de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação, Comunicação e Informática | Agência Senado on Flickr

Holistic Face Processing in Humans

Wed Aug 16 2023

New study uncovers different aspects of holistic face processing: facilitation and interference effects explored.

Wild Wadi Water Park Dubai | Jeremy Thompson on Flickr

Do Public Pools Increase Prejudice?

Wed Aug 16 2023

New research reveals interethnic contact at public pools increases prejudice and far-right support, highlighting the need for better policy solutions.

metacognition and self directed learning | Giulia Forsythe on Flickr

How Metacognition Drives Confidence and Uncertainty

Mon Jul 10 2023

A new unpublished paper titled "Metacognition and Confidence: A Review and Synthesis" explores the neural basis of confidence and uncertainty and its impact on metacognition. The paper provides a roadmap for bridging the gap between the neuroscience...

Detecting Depression With Deep Learning and Brain Scans

Mon Jul 10 2023

New research has found promising results in using deep learning models to identify biomarkers in children and adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD). The study, titled "Resting-state EEG Classification of Children and Adolescents...

Figure 2: The lock and key analogy for drug-target interactions | U.S. Government Accountability Office on Flickr

New Method Predicts Drug-Target Interactions with Unparalleled Accuracy

Sun Jul 09 2023

Researchers have developed a new method for predicting drug-target interactions, according to an unpublished paper titled "Meta-Path-based Probabilistic Soft Logic for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction." The goal of the method is to automate and sp...